
Sleep Consulting

There are just a few things that I love more than a good sleep. I ask a lot of my body and in return, I rest it. When I sleep well, I am well and I can do all of the things I love to do. I value sleep and I believe this needs to be taught at a young age.

When babies are born, they sleep and eat. And they sleep and eat some more. And somehow, along the way, they begin to sleep less and typically need more help to get to sleep. As parents we know they need lots of sleep (and they are oh so good at letting us know when they aren’t getting enough!) However, sometimes, because we might be new and overwhelmed with our role as parents, supporting our baby’s sleep needs and helping her develop a proper sleep schedule means that we will do whatever it takes to get our precious babe to sleep. We will even bring a chair in and camp beside the crib holding a soother in our daughter’s mouth at all hours of the night. Yes I did this.

Fast forward some years and now I’m a certified child sleep consultant.  I know what it’s like to struggle with sleep schedules and challenging babies and I want to help you. Not only do growing babes need lots of sleep, they need it at the right times and I know how to get your little one on the right age appropriate schedule. When your child sleeps, you can sleep. And when you sleep, you are a better person. Hands down. Oh and you might just find the time to talk with your partner before bed. Or watch 3 episodes of Dancing with the Stars. 

When your child sleeps, you can sleep. And when you sleep, you are a better person.